Monday, February 27, 2012

Lenten Meditation based on Mark 1:12-13

by Karen Griefzu   

Make yourself comfortable.  Let yourself relax.  Feel the tension in your neck and exhale it out.  Roll your shoulders and let them relax as you deeply inhale and then exhale.  Now breathe in deeply again and whisper Jesus as you exhale.   Release your imagination now as we journey into the desert with Jesus.

The desert sands sweep across the arid land, forming funnels of earth that rise into the red sky. Jesus walks ahead, unaware of your presence. Hunger grips your stomach. The sun’s rays create a haze over the endless miles of sand. Heat waves rise on the crest of the distant hills. Jesus suddenly stops short, falling onto the hot sand. Carrying a small flask of water, you run to his side. He doesn’t seem to see you; he sits motionless. His lips are cracked and bleeding from the sun. Wet a small handkerchief with drops of precious life-giving water…. Press it against Jesus’ lips. He looks at you and for an instant he holds your hand to his lips…. But then the sky darkens. Ill winds blow. An image stands before you. Not a man, not a beast. His lips curved in a knowing smile. Jesus rises, pushing himself between you and this vision of temptation. You are an observer, nothing else. You are powerless to move or to make a decision. 
A taunting voice of evil speaks, “If you truly are the son of God, tell these stones to become bread”.

Jesus wipes the particles of sand from his parched lips and replies, “Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God”.

Angered by this Satan wraps his arm around Jesus, whisking him away from harsh reality…..He takes Jesus to the highest point in the holy city, the Temple….You follow in the evil hurricane of promised destruction.

 Satan leans close to the ear of Jesus, “If you are the Son of God,” he says, “throw yourself down”. With a hand on Jesus’ back, pushing, nudging toward the edge of the building, Satan continues, “For it is written: God will command his angels in all that concerns you, and they will lift you up in their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.  Jump, fool, jump!

Jesus, growing tired of this assault, answers, “It is also written: ‘Do not put the Lord your God to the test.”

Angered by this rebuttal, Satan once again carries Jesus to the top of the highest mountain….Jesus stands near the crumbling edge of boulders eaten away by the sea and by time….Satan orders, “Look below.  See all the kingdoms of the world and all of their splendor?  All this I will give to you…..If you will bow down and worship me”….

Jesus peers far into the valley below and shakes his head, “Away from me, Satan!  For it is written, Worship the Lord your God and serve him only”….

In failure and anger, Satan folds into the night sky.

Jesus crumples to his knees in prayer and exhaustion. Angelic beings now appear and embrace him in their outspread wings. You watch and wait until  Jesus  notices you crouched in the mountain grasses.

He smiles, rises and walks toward you,  “Come my dear child, it is time to leave this place.” Feel his arm around your shoulders as he leads you down the mountainside, coming to rest near a small creek.

Watch the waters tumble to the valley below. Dip your hand into the cool waters. Feel the sudden spray that leaves droplets on your face.

Jesus presses hip lips into the bubbling creek. ” My friend, I too, am not without temptation.  These things that you have seen today are no different than the temptation s the world offers you.  I know that it is often hard to separate the world’s pleasures from the goodness of life.”

Jesus settles back, resting against the grassy slope.  “The world teaches, ‘If it feels good, do it.”  But the world offers only temporary joy while my Father offers life everlasting.”

 “Know that I too have felt the cold sweat of fear and the pressure of decision.  Turn to my Father for protection and guidance.  Turn your face toward God, my child.”  

Jesus stretches forward, taking your hands in his.  Quietly hold his hands and look into his eyes.  “What are those things that tempt your soul and body, my child, he asks.  How can I help you?"

Look into your heart now.  Then tell Jesus what temptations you find hardest to resist.  Lay bare your innermost heart and soul.  Continue holding his hands and tell him what you are going through.    Let Jesus strengthen you.  As you inhale, feel his strength filling your inmost being.  Feel his peace coursing throughout your body.  Rest now in the presence of your savior. 

When you are ready, return to this time and place.

Let us pray:
Jesus, thank you for strengthening my spirit.  Guide me through these 40 days of Lent. Help me to fast to pray, and to help those in need. Let this be a time of repentance and spiritual renewal that will bring me ever closer to your Sacred Heart.  Amen

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