adapted by Karen Griefzu
(based on guided meditations for Adult Catechumens, By SYDNEY ANN MERRITT)
Scripture: John 4:5-15, 19-30
Palestine is 120 mi from north to south. Galilee is at the extreme north, Judaea is at the extreme south, and Samaria is in between. When Jesus decided to leave Judaea and travel to Galilee. he chose the shortest route which would take 3 days. But, this meant going through Samaria. Most Jews avoided Samaria and took the long way which involved crossing the Jordan, going up the eastern side of the river, recrossing the Jordan north of Samaria and then entering Galilee. Why would they go so far out of their way to avoid Samaria?
It is summertime. The sky is blue and the sun is hot. The warm rays of light nearly blind you. You have been walking for a long time and your throat and mouth are very dry. Your lips are blistered and peeling. You are so very thirsty. Where is the village well? You must have water. All you can think about is a cool refreshing drink of water.
Quickly you make your way down the winding path to the well. A man is sitting there at the side of the well. He is all alone. As you approach, you see it is Jesus. He looks up with a nod and says, “There is no dipper for the water. Come and wait with me, someone will come along soon and give us a drink. Your eyes meet briefly. A cloud of dust billows about his sandaled feet. The sun is so hot and your mouth feels like it is full of cotton balls. Jesus looks at you and says, "Someone is coming this way.”
A woman from the neighboring village appears by the side of the well. She is startled by the presence of Jesus next to you. Jesus speaks to the woman, “Would you be so kind as to give us a drink from the well?”
The young woman with long black curls stands with her mouth open in shock. "You are a Jew. Why do you ask me, a Samaritan woman, for a drink?”
Jesus startles her by answering, “If you knew who I am you would ask me to give you living water so that you would never thirst again.”
"Living water?” she mutters. Shaking her head, she lowers the bucket into the well.
Jesus stands, adjusting his rope belt. “Anyone who drinks from this well will be thirsty again. If you only knew what a wonderful gift God has for you, and who I am, you would ask me for living water.”
The woman’s dark eyes widen, “But you don’t have a rope or a bucket. Where do you expect to get this living water?”
Jesus smiles and says, "The water I offer will become a constant spring within, watering you, refreshing you forever with eternal life, so you will never thirst again.”
The woman slowly fills a cup from her bucket. Carefully studying Jesus, she asks, “Who are you? Are you a prophet?”
A summer wind sends twisting coil of sandy earth twirling across the courtyard. Jesus shakes his head slightly, brushing his hair aside. He sips the cool water from the cup, and then hands it to you. He gestures for you and the woman to sit down with him. You lean against the wall and finally drink the cool refreshing water. Jesus tells the woman, “Go and get your husband.”
The woman responds quickly, "I am not married."
Jesus gazes at her then his eyes look deep within her being. “All too true! You have had five husbands and you are not even married to the man you are living with now.”
The woman gasps, placing a hand over her mouth. “You are a prophet! What is your name?"
Jesus speaks to the woman of many things about her past but never condemns her. You feel embarrassed at hearing more that you wanted to but Jesus places his hand on your shoulder. Now he looks intently into your eyes. “The message I bring to this woman is also for your ears and for your heart. Always speak to God with an honest heart. Ponder on the word of God. Learn to know me, your Lord, for I have come to save what was lost. Review your life before me and humbly acknowledge your sins."
Now he takes your hands in his and in his low gentle voice, speaks to you, “My Father loves you. His love is the wellspring of life. Rest in this grace, my child. Rest in his love." Jesus wipes a small tear from your eyes then wraps a loving arm around your shoulders. "Reach within your sleeping soul and ask the Holy spirit to awaken your sense of God.”
Jesus slowly rises, his warm hand still resting on your shoulder, “I am the Messiah. If the living waters work through you, you will grow to understand that within these waters there is hope for everyone. Take aside moments of your day and invest them in worshipping God. Thank Him for His blessings. Think about this moment and know that you can return to this well whenever you thirst for my living water."
Now the sun slides beneath the rooftops, long fingers of darkness cross the courtyard. Jesus stands, “It is time for both of you to return home.”
The woman gathers her water jug. Jesus places his gentle arms around her, then sends her on her way saying, "She will lead many others to believe in me.”
Jesus stretches his arms and then returns to your resting place. He blesses your forehead, always long with all of your heart for the living waters that bring eternal life. Jesus places his arms around your shoulders and speaks your name, “Will you lead others to believe in me through the example of your life?”
Take a moment and answer Jesus. Tell Jesus good-bye now. Walk away slowly. Turn and look at Jesus one more time. Open your eyes and return to this time and this place.
Let us pray:
Dearest Jesus, I will speak to you with an honest heart. I will review my life before you and humbly acknowledge my sins. I will ponder on the word of God so that I may learn to know you, my Lord. I will reach within my sleeping soul and ask the Holy Spirit to awaken my sense of God. I will try to lead others to you through the example of my life. Amen