by Karen Griefzu
based on the readings from LUKE 24:13-35
Tonight we are going to reflect on the story of two disciples who began a journey in sorrow and ended it in jubilation. Let’s prepare for own journey by taking a few deep, relaxing breaths. In and out, in and out. Feel the cares and stress of your day fading away with each breath. As you breathe in, lift your shoulders and lower them as you exhale. Feel your shoulders relaxing. Let them be more relaxed and lower with each breath. Now become aware of your neck as you inhale and feel it relax as you exhale. Now close your eyes or focus them on the Blessed Sacrament. Inhale again and as you exhale, whisper Jesus. Jesus. Now, let us travel back in time and take a walk along the Emmaus Way.
You leave Jerusalem, and walk westward along the seven mile winding road to Emmaus. The sun is bright and warm against your face. A slight breeze is blowing through the trees and the green grass on the roadside is soft and fragrant. Your eyes are lowered. The soles of your sandals wearily trod along the road as the dust from the trail covers your feet and settles between your toes. Your cloak brushes against your legs as you walk. Your face is sad because your heart is broken and all your hopes are dead and buried. Your friend accompanies you on this sad journey. The two of you were followers of Jesus. You listened to His teachings and witnessed His many miracles. You felt His great love and rested in His peace. But now everything has changed. Jesus has been crucified. As you discuss the events of the last few days, a man coming along another footpath draws near. His voice greets you, and His dark compassionate eyes notice your grief. Your pathways merge, and as he walks alongside you he asks, “Why are you so dejected?” You are surprised that another pilgrim does not know what has just happened in Jerusalem. As he listens, you pour out your heat. Finally, with poignant and bewildered regret, you utter the words, “We were so sure that He was the one sent by God to rescue Israel.”
The sun has set now and the air is colder. In the darkness, the man continues along the road. You walk after him, put your hand on his shoulder and urge him to stop with you. He smiles and nods in agreement and when He takes His place at the table, it is He who picks up the bread, and it is His hands that raise the bread in blessing. You stare at His hands. They look so familiar. Surely you have seen those hands before. Then you remember! Not long ago, hands just like these raised bread to bless it in just this same way before feeding all those people on the hillsides. His hands now break the bread, and as they open, separating, pulling the bread apart and offering it to you, you see the holes where nails punctured those precious hands. Before your astonished eyes can blink, He is gone.
You turn to your friend, speechless with joy. You both jump up and race out the door. As your sandals fly across the dark and dusty road, your cloak flaps briskly against your legs and your eyes light up the darkness. HE HAS RISEN!!
Surely the grass along the road is singing, and the trees are clapping. The very earth you walk on is rejoicing, for HE HAS RISEN!
It seems like no time before you see Jerusalem again. You rush into the gathering place of the eleven and those with them. They, too, are rejoicing and tell you how the Lord has appeared to Simon. You, in turn, recount all that happened on the road, and how you recognized Him in the breaking of the bread.
Let’s stand and pray together.
Dearest Risen Lord,
Please walk with me as I journey through my life.
When my heart is broken,
When my hopes seem dead and buried
Be there at my side
Touch my heart and awaken my understanding.
En-kindle my spirit with love for you.
Then send me forth rejoicing
To tell all those I meet
That You are Lord, You have risen from the dead, and You are Lord!