Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Parishioner Celebrates Recovery

Patty Coy makes the news when Christ the King second graders sign her head in celebration of her cancer recovery. Prayers from kids, friends and family at CtK have been answered as Patty gets word she is currently free of cancer. Patty is involved at the St. Peregrine Shrine leading our prayer group. She also offers peer support, through our LINC program, to others who are recently diagnosed, in hopes they will find the comfort she has found from prayer and in visiting the shrine.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Flowers for Jesus

St. Peregrine Shrine is now accepting donations for the flowers and plants that adorn the inside of the Shrine.

You may make a donation through the parish office at Christ the King Church. When offering your donation please indicate that the purpose is specifically for the plants and flowers in the Shrine.

If you would like to make the donation in honor of someone, you may use the the donation forms located in the Shrine.