The second stained glass window to be installed in the chapel (by Utopian Studios) was St. Therese of
Lisieux. St. Therese, also called "The Little Flower", was born in France on January 2, 1873. She was a determined and strong-willed child. Therese's mother died of breast cancer when Therese was only 4 years old. Therese's sisters became mothers to her and each went on to join the
Carmelite order when they came of age. Therese shared their desire for vocation at an early age. In 1887 her indomitable spirit was evident when she had the courage to beg the pope for acceptance into the order even though she had been forbidden to speak to him. She entered the
Carmelite order in 1888. St. Therese suffered from illness and had periods of time when she felt isolated from the Lord. Through her own suffering and struggle, she came to realize that trusting in Jesus was the path to holiness and that making small daily sacrifices was the way to His Sacred Heart. St. Therese knew the pain of losing her mother from cancer, her father from stroke, and several
Carmelite Sisters from influenza. St. Therese died after a long struggle with tuberculosis on September 30, 1897.
Dear St. Therese,
You were stubborn and strong.
Yet through your trials you held fast to the love of the Lord and looked to him for light in the darkness.
Please pray that I may find light in the darkness as I face this struggle.
Pray that I may find little ways to recognize His face in the midst of my own pain.
Even if it means allowing others to help me or forgiving people that I don't like.
It is the ordinary things done with great love that can reveal His glory to me.
Please pray to God on my behalf.
your intention)Amen.